Eternus-D Hydrate Plus Serum Cream 30g 水感嫩肌精華霜 30g


激活水能動力  煥發水感美肌


  • 產品加入精華保濕技術,極速滲透補水,並有效鎖緊水分,持久保濕。
  • 刺激透明質酸合成,改善肌底水循環,全方位對抗肌膚乾燥問題。
  • 高效抗氧化,抑制黑色素生成,增加皮膚彈性緊緻,預防皺紋出現。
  • 增强肌膚抵禦能力,抗敏抗炎,減少黑頭及粉刺形成。


  • 海帶藻胞外多醣 - 來自海帶藻的一種海洋成分,能誘導透明質酸合成,提升肌膚含水量,有效預防皺紋。
  • 仙人掌幹細胞提取物 - 通過對細胞核DNA的保護,防止肌膚提早衰老。臨床測試證實,有助於增加皮膚緊緻度和彈性。並具有抗敏、舒緩及消炎作用。
  • 草綠鹽角草提取物 - 透過刺激水通道蛋白合成,迅速將水分導入肌膚細胞,改善肌膚水分流通。同時鞏固脂質屏障,强效保濕,全面對抗肌膚乾燥。
  • 異構寡糖 - 調節肌膚PH值,長效維持肌膚的水磁場能力,保持肌膚水油平衡,使粗糙肌膚回復柔軟水潤。


  • 早晚潔面後,取適量均勻塗於臉部及頸部,輕柔按摩至完全吸收。可配合精華液使用以達至最佳效果。


Activate Your Water Power For Rejuvenated Skin

Main Effects:

  • Made with serum hydration technology to moisturize skin rapidly and prolong hydration.
  • Stimulates the formation of hyaluronic acid to improve moisturization in deep skin layers and provides an all-rounded solution to dehydrated skin.
  • Contains high-calibre antioxidants that can inhibit the formation of melanin, enhance skin elasticity and prevent fine lines.
  • Strengthens skin barrier against sensitivity and inflammation, and reduces blackheads and acnes.

Main Ingredients:

  • Sea Exopolysaccharide - Derived from kelp, this ingredient can stimulate the formation of hyaluronic acid, replenish skin with moisturization and effectively prevent fine lines.
  • FicuCell Vita - Prevents skin from early aging by providing protection to nucleolus DNA. Clinical tests have proven that it can help increase skin elasticity while offering the ability to relieve sensitivity and inflammation.
  • Salicornia Herbacea Extract - Formed by stimulating the aquaporin, it helps rapidly replenish and improve skin cells with moisturization while strengthening the lipid barrier to provide an all-rounded defense against dryness.
  • Saccharide Isomerate - Adjusts skin's PH value for long-term water retention and maintain oil-water balance for a moisturized, soft touch.


  • Every morning and evening, smooth over thoroughly cleansed and toned skin of face and neck using a gentle ascendant motion.

Made in Switzerland

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