Esse Cream Cleanser 潔面乳 200ml


Cream Cleanser 潔面乳


透過將油性雜質黏附在一起,讓雜質被沖洗掉,達至溫和、有效去除污垢。含有豐富維他命 C 的馬魯拉油可在潔面過程中保持肌膚水潤。
> 所有皮膚類型。
> 乾燥。

> 皮膚老化。

> 能有效卸妝 。
> 雙重潔淨步驟的第一步。

> 能清除油性雜質 。

> 馬魯拉油 — 含有豐富的奧米加,維他命 C 及 E;可溶解油性雜質 。
> 霍霍巴油 — 用後為皮膚帶來優雅、順滑的感覺使之成為偏乾性皮膚的理想產品。

> 玫瑰天竺葵 — 可減少炎症並有助癒合,同時放出玫瑰和柑橘混合的芳香。

99% 天然成份
86% 有機成份
100% 純素
100% 零殘忍

555g 碳補償



Water-soluble and non-greasy for all skin types

A non-foaming cleanser that gently and effectively removes dirt and make-up. It binds with impurities, allowing them to be easily rinsed away. Jojoba and Marula Oils keep the skin moisturised during cleansing.

Product details

99% Natural
86% Organic
100% Vegan
100% Cruelty Free
555g Carbon Offset

  • Effectively removes make-up.
  • Could be used as the first part of a double cleanse.
  • Removes oil-based impurities.

Key ingredients:

  • Marula Oil – is rich in omegas, vitamin C and E; dissolves oil-based impurities.
  • Jojoba Oil – leaves skin feeling refined and smooth and makes it the ideal product for skin that tends towards dryness.
  • Rose Geranium – reduces inflammation and assists with healing while imparting a fragrant mix of rose and citrus notes.

Directions for use:

Gently massage into skin of face, neck and décolleté with a little warm water. Rinse thoroughly. Pat dry.

Made In South Africa

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