

Esse Biome Mist 全方位益生菌修護噴霧 100ml




> 所有皮膚類型。
> 暗瘡。
> 乾燥。
> 油脂。
> 色素沉澱。

> 皮膚老化。

> BIOME + 第 3 級配方 – 這意味著這款產品含有能夠對接到皮膚細胞上,已被裂解的乳酸桿菌。
> 保濕,清爽,提升肌膚生命力。每天兩次,兩週後,通常可看到肌膚的氣息有明顯改善。> 修護和保護。
> 減少炎症。

> 改善緊緻度和彈性。

> 乳酸桿菌 — 由被裂解的益生菌細胞組成,它們仍然能夠以下列方式積極影響皮膚與其微生物組之間的互動:
 - 增強屏障功能,保護肌膚。
 - 鎮靜並降低敏感度。
 - 粘合膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白。
> 蘆薈 — 舒緩及鎮靜肌膚。
> 乳酸 — 保濕及減少細紋。

> 益生元 — 包括菊粉、猢猻木果萃取物和 α-葡萄糖低聚醣等選擇性地餵養良好的皮膚微生物,以支持健康的微生物組。

99% 天然成份
95% 有機成份
100% 純素
100% 零殘忍

342g 碳補償


在擦上保濕產品前使用。先輕輕搖勻爽膚水,然後閉上眼睛,朝著面部及前胸位置,按壓噴嘴 4 至 6 次,均勻噴灑爽膚水。


Probiotic defence mist for all skin types

A hydrating probiotic mist. Inactive Lactobacilli promote skin’s innate immune function and maintain barrier function. Prebiotics are added to provide a nutrient source that favours a healthy skin ecosystem.

Product details

99% Natural
95% Organic
100% Vegan
100% Cruelty Free
342g Carbon Offset

  • BIOME+ LEVEL 3 FORMULATION means this product contains tyndallised Lactobacillus bacteria that are capable of docking onto skin cells.
  • Hydrates, refreshes and improves skin vitality. Visible improvement in vitality is often noted after two weeks of twice- daily use.
  • Repairs and protects.
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Improves firmness and elasticity.

Key ingredients:

  • Lactobacillus – consisting of deactivated (tyndallised) probiotic cells that are still able to positively influence the conversation between the skin and its microbiome in the following ways:
    – Boost barrier function and protect the skin.
    – Calm and reduce sensitivity.
    – Bind collagen and elastin.
  • Prebiotics of Inulin, Baobab Fruit Extract & Alpha-Glucan Oligosaccharide – selectively feed good skin microbes to support a healthy microbiome.
  • Aloe Vera – soothes and calms.
  • Lactic Acid – hydrates and reduces fine lines.

Directions for use:

Spritz onto face and décolleté after cleansing. Gently pat area until dry and apply Esse moisturiser. Apply throughout the day to freshen and invigorate.

Made In South Africa