Esse Eye Contour Cream 喚采新生眼霜 15ml


Eye Contour Cream 喚采新生眼霜


合歡萃取物可促進膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白的生成,有效改善魚尾紋,雛菊花萃 取物可淡化黑眼圈,而積雪草提取物可減輕眼周浮腫。

1. 眼睛下方的色素沉澱
2. 微絲血管的血液滲漏(類似「黑眼圈」)



合歡萃取物與豯薟苷經能透過增加膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白的合成超過 220%來保護及強化真皮,使魚尾紋得到明顯改善。



  • 雛菊花萃取物 — 大部份眼下部位的色素沉澱問題是由炎症後,色素沉澱過度引起的 — 特別是較深膚色的人。雛菊花會透過降低黑色素從黑素細胞轉移到正常皮膚細胞的速度去解決問題。每個黑素細胞會與將近36個皮膚細胞保持接觸,並將黑素粒傳送到各個細胞。此眼霜能大量防止這種情況發生。此外,因色素沉澱而造成的黑眼圈亦因此會獲得強大的美白效果。
  • 合歡萃取物 — 此萃取物能提升上眼瞼、減少魚尾紋和減輕浮腫。它已證實能夠改善膠質合成達256% 和彈性蛋白合成達 229%。它有助防止眼睛下方脆弱的微血管破裂。兩週內,眼圈皺紋的出現可減少 14 到 33%。
  • 益生元 — 含有菊粉和 α-葡聚糖寡糖去改變微生物群體,進一步減低炎症及提升肌膚屏障功能。
  • 後生元 — 喚采新生眼霜採用一種益生菌乳酸菌種,但其細胞已被裂解(破壞掉),這種混合物接下來會被過濾以除去其他細胞部分。這種「萃取物」對機會性微生物有抗菌作用,具有改善皮膚上的協同微生物群體的能力。此眼霜的整體效果是要改善肌膚濕潤度與T形連結的數量和強度。
  • 南非鈎麻萃取物 — 這種成份有助保護彈性蛋白和膠原蛋白。
  • 豐麗果萃取物 — 豐麗果萃取物具有強效肌膚緊緻效果。持續使用兩週將能見到明顯效果。
  • 低分子量玻尿酸 — 此產品含有高濃度玻尿酸。預期帶來強效保濕和抗皺功效。我們加入了可安全應用於眼睛部位的最高濃度。
99% 天然成份
68% 有機成份
100% 純素
100% 零殘忍
290g 碳補償


每日早晚使用,只適用於眼睛部位。14 21天內會見到顯著效果。

Firms and rejuvenates ageing skin

An all-round eye cream to address the main concerns around the eye area: crow’s feet, dark circles, and puffiness.

Product details

99% Natural
68% Organic
100% Vegan
100% Cruelty Free
290g Carbon Offset

  • Addresses the main concerns around the eye area: crow’s feet, dark circles, and puffiness.
  • Bellis Extract lightens dark rings by inhibiting tyrosinase production and reducing melanin.
  • Albizia Extract and Darutoside protect and strengthen the dermis by consolidating fragile microvascular networks and by stimulating detoxifying systems.
  • Reduction of puffiness around the eye and reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Independent testing has proven that this product reduces wrinkle depth by 14% in 28 days, with positive results being shown in 95% of test subjects.

Key ingredients:

    • Bellis Perennis Extract – most under-eye pigmentation issues are caused by post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation – particularly in darker skin. This extract acts on this by reducing the transfer rate of melanosomes from melanocytes to normal skin cells. Each melanocyte is in contact with approximately 36 skin cells and delivers melanosomes to all of them. This is largely prevented and a very strong lightening effect is achieved on dark circles that are caused by pigmentation.
    • Albizia Extract – this extract lifts the upper eyelid, reduces crow’s feet, and diminishes puffiness. It has been shown to improve collagen synthesis by 256% and elastin synthesis by 229%. This helps to prevent the rupture of capillaries in the fragile networks below the eye. It also improves the appearance of wrinkles around the eye by between 14 and 33% in two weeks.
    • Prebiotics – Inulin and alpha-glucan-oligosaccharides have been included to shift the microbial population in a direction that will reduce further inflammation and boost barrier function.
    • Probiotic extracts – BIOME+ LEVEL 2 + 3 the Eye Contour Cream uses probiotic Lactobacillus species to improve the synergistic microbial populations on the skin by having an anti-microbial effect on opportunistic microbes. The overall effect is to boost skin condition by improving moisture and T-junction strength and numbers.
    • Devil’s Claw Extract – this is an ingredient to help with the protection of elastin and collagen.
    • Kigelia Extract – Kigelia extract has a strong firming effect on the skin. Results are seen after two weeks of continuous use.
    • Low Molecular Mass Hyaluronic Acid – the Hyaluronic Acid levels in this product are high. Strong hydrating and anti-wrinkle effect can be expected from Hyaluronic Acid in this product. We have included this ingredient at the highest level that we deem safe for use around the eye area.

    Directions for use:

    Apply a small amount to the skin around the eyes twice daily before moisturising.

    Made In South Africa

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